zaterdag 25 september 2010

De opleiding Train de Trainer

This course refreshes the key training skills and presented trainers new insights and methods of work . How the knowledge of the participants estimate how provide interaction and a fascinating knowledge? These are just some themes from the programs, which both experienced and novice trainers very enriching.

To receive training the trainers instructed to a short presentation prepare . Each participant brings his preparation for the group ( intro 1 theme and outro ). We take this with a digital camera. Then we discuss the issues that the other participants remedies. In this way we use the provided training time optimal the necessary skills and practice .

Bram Selleslach accompanies this training personally. Bram has over 12 years experience in providing and organizing training . More than 22,000 people have his seminars followed and more than 150 people he has personally coached . He knows better than anyone else an audience to enthuse and inspiring from beginning to end .

vrijdag 24 september 2010


Color can make your workout more to life. It determines what your audience sees , feels and remembers . color Adding is also easy and cheap. Nevertheless, you should take a look at what colors you should use .

Few tips :
  • Black, blue and green are the most readable.
  • Blue is the most enjoyable color to read, followed by red (note : ' a pleasure to read "and" readable " are not the same ).
  • Avoid purple, brown, pink and yellow.
  • Alcohol Leads to give color the best impression of but dry out quickly if you cap forget to set . With flip charts can stain the underlying pages.
  • markers Water-based indicate color less vivid and " beep "when writing . Stain your clothes are washable !
  • Use bright colors for small graphs in order to jump .
  • Use subtle shades so large charts not too overpowering .

Colors have a psychological effect . Different colors evoke different emotions .
  • Red: brutal, dangerous, stop it!
  • Dark blue : stable , calm , reliable
  • Light blue : refreshing , fresh
  • Gray : integer , neutral , adult
  • Purple: mysterious royal
  • Green: organic, healthy
  • Orange / yellow: sunny, cloudy , warm
  • White: pure, hopefully , just
  • Black: serious, melancholy , profitable

Edit the information and you will definitely be a better coach .

Good luck !